Showing results 41 - 50 of 100

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Comment on ‘Baseline use of hydroxychloroquine in systemic lupus erythematosus does not preclude SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe COVID-19’ by Konig et al. Long-term exposure to hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine and the risk of hospitalisation with COVID-19: a nationwide, observational cohort study in 54 873 exposed individuals and 155 689 matched unexposed individuals in France
Emilie Sbidian, Laetitia Penso, Philippe Herlemont, Jérémie Botton, Bérangère Baricault, Laura Semenzato, Jérome Drouin, Alain Weill, Rosemay Dray-Spira, Mahmoud Zureik

28 August 2020

Characteristics associated with poor COVID-19 outcomes in people with psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis: data from the COVID-19 PsoProtect and Global Rheumatology Alliance physician-reported registries
Pedro M Machado, Martin Schäfer, Satveer K Mahil, Jean Liew, Laure Gossec, Nick Dand, Alexander Pfeil, Anja Strangfeld, Anne Constanze Regierer, Bruno Fautrel, Carla Gimena Alonso, Carla G S Saad, Christopher E M Griffiths, Claudia Lomater, Corinne Miceli-RichardSee the full list of authors

14 February 2023