Table 3

Randomised and clinical controlled trials reporting the efficacy of IL-6 inhibitors in sJIA and AOSD

First authorStudy designPatients
InterventionCID (%)Other outcomes (%)Risk *
Woo96Open-labelsJIA (18)TCZ 2 mg/kg/2 weeks cohort I
6 (33%);
4 mg/kg/2 weeks cohort II 6 (33%);
8 mg/kg/2 weeks cohort III 6 (33%)
ACR70 3 (17%)(overall three cohorts)
Yokota133Escalating dosesJIA (11)TCZ in escalating modenaLACF:
At 2 mg/kg: ACR 70 1/11 (9 %)
At 4 mg/kg: ACR 70 4/8 (50%)
At 8 mg/kg: ACR 70 3/3 (100%)
Yokota80Open label lead-insJIA (56)TCZ intravenousnaLACF: ACRPed70 38 (68%)
Double-blind randomisedsJIA (20)TCZ intravenousnaM3: ACRPed70 15 (75%)
sJIA (23)PBOnaM3: ACRPed70 3 (13%)
Extension phasesJIA (50)TCZ intravenousnaM11: ACRPed70 43/48 (90%)
De Benedetti24Double-blind
sJIA (75)TCZ intravenousnaM3:
ACR70 53 (71%)
ACR90 28 (37%)
sJIA (37)PBOnaM3:
ACR70 3 (8%)
ACR90 2 (5%)
Open-labelsJIA (112)TCZ intravenous36/112 (32%)M12:
ACR90 66/112 (59%)
Yokota81LTE from NCT00144599
NCT 00144612
sJIA (67)TCZ intravenousna38.6M:
JIA-ACR 70 46/61 (75%)
JIA-ACR 90 37/61 (61%)
Mallalieu82Open-label single armsJIA (11)TCZ intravenousnaJADAS-71 reduction 5/11 (45%
Ruperto84Open-label single armsJIA (51)TCZ subcutaneous35/51 (69%)na
Kaneko83Double-blind randomisedAOSD (13)TCZ intravenousnaM3: ACR70 6/13 (46%)
AOSD (14)PBOnaM3: ACR70 4/13 (31%)
LTEAOSD (26)TCZ intravenousnaM12: ACR70 8/13 (61%)
  • *The RoB was assessed with the RoB2 tool. Red=high, yellow=intermediate, green=low and blue=not assessable.

  • ACR, American College of Rheumatology; AOSD, adult-onset Still’s disease; CID, clinical inactive disease; JADAS, Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score; LACF, last observation carried forward; LTE, long term extension; M, month; na, not available; PBO, placebo; RoB, risk of bias; sJIA, systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis; TCZ, tocilizumab.