Table 1

Recapture of treatment response before or after switching to OL IXE through 104 weeks among patients randomised to placebo (IXE withdrawal) who experienced a flare and were retreated

Total patients who flared and were switched to OL IXE retreatmentPlacebo (IXE withdrawal) (N=28)
ASDAS disease activity statusLDAID
Recaptured response before OL IXE retreatment, n41
Recaptured response with OL IXE retreatment (≤16 weeks), n2314
Recaptured response with OL IXE retreatment (>16 weeks), n05
Total patients who recaptured response by week 104, n (%)27/28 (96)20/28 (71)
  • In each column, the denominator is 28. A total of 4 patients met the criteria for flare and were not retreated. 20 patients had achieved ASDAS ID, while 8 patients achieved ASDAS LDA before flare and OL IXE retreatment.

  • ASDAS, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score; ID, inactive disease; IXE, ixekizumab; LDA, low disease activity including ID; N, number of patients in the analysis population; OL, open-label.