Table 4

Baseline ASCVD risk scores for patients in ORAL Surveillance with and without malignancies excluding NMSC, lung cancer and NMSC

Combined to facitinib doses*Tofacitinib 5 mg
two times per day
Tofacitinib 10 mg
two times per day
Malignancies excluding NMSC, n/N (%)96/2450 (3.92)49/1234 (3.97)47/1216 (3.87)31/1222 (2.54)
 ASCVD score, mean (SD) for patients with event (based on n)18.53 (13.81)18.06 (14.29)19.02 (13.43)17.27 (12.82)
 ASCVD score, mean (SD) for patients without event (based on N−n)14.03 (13.33)13.38 (12.59)14.68 (14.02)14.19 (13.37)
Lung cancer, n/N (%)21/2450 (0.86)10/1234 (0.81)11/1216 (0.90)5/1222 (0.41)
 ASCVD score, mean (SD) for patients with event (based on n)27.68 (14.56)31.62 (13.54)24.10 (15.15)36.70 (11.94)
 ASCVD score, mean (SD) for patients without event (based on N−n)14.09 (13.31)13.42 (12.58)14.77 (13.98)14.17 (13.29)
NMSC, n/N (%)46/2450 (1.88)24/1234 (1.94)22/1216 (1.81)12/1222 (0.98)
 ASCVD score, mean (SD) for patients with event (based on n)20.06 (15.34)22.66 (17.91)17.22 (11.68)25.04 (18.20)
 ASCVD score, mean (SD) for patients without event (based on N−n)14.09 (13.32)13.39 (12.51)14.81 (14.06)14.16 (13.27)
  • Data are for patients without HxASCVD and with non-missing baseline CV risk score.

  • ASCVD score was calculated with the ASCVD-PCE calculator,18 and a 1.5 multiplier was applied to account for the influence of RA, as recommended by EULAR.19 20

  • For patients randomised to the tofacitinib 10 mg two times per day group who had their dose of tofacitinib reduced to 5 mg two times per day, the data collected after patients were switched to tofacitinib 5 mg two times per day were counted in the tofacitinib 10 mg two times per day group.

  • For malignancies excluding NMSC and lung cancer, the risk period was total time, defined as time from first dose of trial drug until last contact date.

  • For NMSC, the risk period was the 28-day on-treatment time, defined as time from the first until last dose of trial drug + 28 days, or to last contact date, whichever was earlier.

  • *Includes patients who received tofacitinib 5 or 10 mg two times per day in ORAL Surveillance.

  • ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; ASCVD-PCE, ASCVD-Pooled Cohort Equations calculator; CV, cardiovascular; EULAR, European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology; HxASCVD, history of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; N, number of patients without HxASCVD and non-missing baseline CV risk score; n, number of patients with events; NMSC, non-melanoma skin cancer; N–n, number of patients without events; TNFi, tumour necrosis factor inhibitors.