Table 2

Recapture of first treatment response before or after switching to OL IXE through 104 weeks among patients continuously treated with IXE who experienced a flare and were switched to OL IXE

Total patients who flared and were switched to OL IXE retreatmentContinuous IXE (N=13)
ASDAS disease activity statusLDAID
Recaptured response before OL IXE retreatment, n71
Recaptured response with OL IXE retreatment (≤16 weeks), n23
Recaptured response with OL IXE retreatment (>16 weeks), n31
Total patients who recaptured response by week 104, n (%)12/13 (92)5/13 (38)
  • In each column, the denominator is 13. Only one patient met the criteria for flare and was not retreated. Six patients had achieved ASDAS ID and seven patients achieved ASDAS LDA before flare and OL IXE retreatment.

  • ASDAS, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score; ID, inactive disease; IXE, ixekizumab; LDA, low disease activity including ID; N, number of patients in the analysis population; OL, open-label.