Table 4

Quotes to illustrate the respective category supporting facilitators to implementation

Quote number (Q)Category/illustrative quotesQuoted by
Tailoring PE
35‘Some [are] more in need of information than others and are more “dependent” on information to move forward’ (Recommendation 1).Occupational Therapist, Norway
36‘Informed… on their disease(s) and treatment(s) and options’ (Recommendation 1).Rheumatologist, Belgium
37‘Life’s situations are changeable, which the teaching should be targeted for’ (Recommendation 1).Authorised Nurse, Denmark
38‘Therapy compliance, self-management and treatment objectives’ (Recommendation 1).Nurse, The Netherlands
39‘PE must…always be customized to the patients’ needs and resources and limitations. The feasibility for the different platforms for the patient education must always be considered’. (Recommendation 4)Occupational Therapist, Sweden
40‘We have psychologist, group therapy… nurses and physiotherapists trained in pain and trained in drug education’. (Recommendation 5).Rheumatologist, France
41‘Common basis for all patients and a personalized part, 50/50’ (Recommendation 3)Rheumatologist, Belgium
42‘General instructions … After that, individual instructions will be given’ (Recommendation 3)Physiotherapist, Finland
Using group education
43‘Group interaction and experience sharing can be very enriching’ (Recommendation 3)Nurse, France
Linking patient education with diagnosis and treatments
44‘We provide education at diagnosis, at the start of pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions and periodically depending on individual patient needs. Sometimes limited clinic time can act as a barrier, however, I believe, as a department, we do strive to give good quality education via a multi-disciplinary approach’. (Recommendation 2)Registered Nurse, UK
45‘Life’s situations are changeable, which the teaching should be targeted for’ (Recommendation 2).Authorised Nurse, Denmark
46‘Regularly organised education programs (by and for patients)’ (Recommendation 1).Rheumatologist, The Netherlands
47‘Patient education is … the basis for standard treatment”…I want to think of patient education like “soil ploughing” for standard treatment to “grow” or develop’. (Recommendation 1).Physiotherapist, Japan
Maintaining face-to-face PE delivery and inviting feedback
48‘Asking the patient verbally … not by means of questionnaires’ (Recommendation 6).Rheumatologist, Belgium
49‘(This method] makes it possible to check whether the information is understood, the other forms do not’ (Recommendation 4)Nurse, The Netherlands
Accessing multidisciplinary teams and patient organisations
50‘Patients are being asked to take care of [PE] especially if we are moving towards general health education that does not require very specialized knowledge’ (Recommendation 7)Rheumatologist, France
51‘More awareness about avenues for patients to get trained in PE should be created’ (Recommendation 7)Educationist, India
52‘The patient organizations are important players and should have a more eminent role, both for the patients but also for education of the professionals’ (Recommendation 7)Rheumatologist, Sweden
Accessing training from different providers
53‘For me, it is the same as for the patients: competencies need to be maintained over time’ (Recommendation 8)Rheumatologist, France
54‘I had a training course with the support of private funding (pharma companies)’ (Recommendation 8)Nurse, France
55‘Specific training is …provided by the physiotherapy association’ (Recommendation 8)Physiotherapist, Belgium