Table 5

Computation of the ScleroID score

ElementRaynaudFatigueHand functionPainLife choicesUpper GI symptomsBody mobilityLower GI symptomsDyspnoeaDigital ulcers
ScleroID weights0.1170.1140.1090.1040.0980.0960.0950.0930.0910.083
Example NRS scores9340726403
ScleroID =3.9
  • Example of computation of the ScleroID score for a given patient. The final score is computed using a weighted sum over the NRS (0–10) scores given to each dimension by the patient. The weights sum to 1, and are proportional to the mean ranks given to each dimension.

  • GI, gastrointestinal tract; NRS, Numeric Rating Scale; ScleroID, Systemic Sclerosis Impact of Disease.