Table 3

Characteristics of patients who were either enrolled with bDMARD/tsDMARD treatment and had interruption(s) during follow-up in the course of which they received csDMARDs alone or who were enrolled with csDMARD treatment and started bDMARD/tsDMARD treatment during follow-up (n=5974)

Treatment started at enrolment
Monoclonal anti-TNF antibodiesSoluble TNF receptor fusion proteinT cell costimulation modulatorB cell targeted therapyIL-6 inhibitorsJAK inhibitorscsDMARDs
n=1330 (22.26%)n=873 (14.61%)n=395 (6.61%)n=1296 (21.69%)n=544 (9.12%)n=132 (2.21%)n=1404 (23.50%)
Age, mean (SD), years55.7 (12.8)59.1 (13.2)58.3 (13.3)58.2 (11.7)57.5 (12.7)59.9 (12.4)56.3 (11.8)
Women, n (%)1019 (76.6)653 (74.8)300 (75.9)999 (77.1)418 (76.8)98 (74.2)1023 (72.9)
DAS28, mean (SD)5.0 (1.3)5.0 (1.3)5.4 (1.3)5.3 (1.3)5.2 (1.3)4.9 (1.3)4.6 (1.3)
Glucocorticoids, n (%)847 (63.7)536 (61.5)235 (59.6)870 (68.0)346 (63.7)58 (43.9)776 (55.3)
Glucocorticoids, ≥10 mg, n (%)221 (16.7)139 (16.0)72 (18.3)298 (23.4)115 (21.2)9 (6.9)141 (10.0)
Duration of treatment episodes, mean (SD), months
 Monoclonal anti-TNF antibodies12.9 (15.5)10.6 (13.0)13.0 (15.9)12.9 (14.0)10.3 (14.0)6.2 (6.5)15.4 (18.5)
 Soluble TNF receptor fusion protein10.9 (13.0)11.8 (14.5)9.9 (11.5)12.0 (14.8)10.0 (11.7)6.9 (6.4)15.2 (17.2)
 T cell costimulation modulator12.4 (15.8)11.0 (11.6)12.0 (13.8)14.4 (17.3)12.6 (17.0)6.6 (6.7)14.2 (16.3)
 B cell targeted therapy8.6 (8.1)8.0 (6.8)8.4 (8.3)8.2 (7.2)8.5 (7.3)8.5 (3.2)9.3 (11.4)
 IL-6 inhibitors13.1 (15.6)12.5 (15.9)13.9 (17.2)15.0 (18.5)13.2 (15.9)4.9 (3.3)16.5 (18.5)
 JAK inhibitors9.5 (8.5)8.5 (8.0)8.5 (7.3)9.9 (10.1)10.7 (9.1)7.3 (6.8)9.7 (8.5)
 csDMARDs10.1 (14.1)9.5 (12.2)8.3 (10.9)7.4 (10.2)8.4 (12.0)6.7 (6.7)11.7 (14.9)
  • bDMARDs, biologic DMARDs; csDMARDs, conventional synthetic DMARDs; DAS28, Disease Activity Score of 28 joints using the erythrocyte sedimentation rate; DMARDs, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; IL-6, interleukin 6; JAK, Janus kinase; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; tsDMARDs, targeted synthetic DMARDs.