Table 2

Number of patients (n (%)) with SSc-ILD in the EUSTAR database with 12-month periods of FVC decline, stratified by overall FVC decline from first to last available FVC measurement

Overall FVC change from baseline to last FVCOne 12-month period with FVC declineTwo or more 12-month periods with FVC decline
No decline (n=178)Moderate decline (n=113)Significant decline (n=107)Only moderate declines (n=65)One significant and ≥1 moderate decline (n=25)Only significant declines (n=47)
Improved (n=129)79 (44)22 (20)21 (20)1 (2)3 (12)3 (6)
Stable (n=206)99 (56)59 (53)29 (27)13 (20)1 (4)5 (11)
Moderate decline (n=76)28 (25)17 (16)25 (39)1 (4)5 (11)
Significant decline (n=75)2 (2)29 (27)23 (35)10 (40)11 (23)
Major decline (n=49)2 (2)11 (10)3 (5)10 (40)23 (49)
  • Overall FVC change from baseline to last FVC: major decline (FVC decline of >20%); significant decline (FVC decline of >10 and ≤20%); moderate decline (FVC decline of 5% to 10%); stable (FVC decline or improvement of <5%); and improvement (FVC improvement of ≥5%).

  • EUSTAR, European Scleroderma Trials And Research; FVC, forced vital capacity; SSc-ILD, systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease.