Table 2

The predictive power of the GRS in the validation sets. Based on logistic regression on the test sets, optionally adjusted for sex and top 10 genetic PCs. Effect sizes are per SD of the GRS

AUC (95% CI)OR (95% CI)
 Sex+PCs0.677 (0.654 to 0.701)
 GRS0.657 (0.631 to 0.683)1.831 (1.685 to 1.991)
 GRS+sex+PCs0.735 (0.712 to 0.758)1.838 (1.686 to 2.007)
 Sex+PCs0.671 (0.636 to 0.706)
 GRS0.671 (0.635 to 0.706)2.008 (1.731 to 2.345)
 GRS+sex+PCs0.738 (0.705 to 0.770)2.085 (1.773 to 2.471)
  • AUC, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; CHOP, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; CLARITY, ChiLdhood Arthritis Risk factor Identification sTudY; GRS, genomic risk score; PCs, principal components.