Table 1

Experience of HCQ shortages among patients with SLE during the pandemic and regional mitigation strategies

(n responses)
USA (n=8)France
Spain (n=1)Italy (n=1)Sweden
Argentina (n=1)Australia (n=1)Turkey
South Korea
HCQ access issues
Concerned about HCQ shortages, n
Physicians contacted by patients re: HCQ access issue, n3813110011100
Estimated % of patients with SLE affected (range)3%–5%5%–40%70%0%–5%NR20%30%50%0%–1%
Regional mitigation strategies
Limiting authorised prescribers+++++++
Limiting HCQ to specific diagnoses+++++++
Limiting dispensed supply+
Physician/patient association advocacy+++
Hospital or pharmacies reserved supply for patients with SLE+
  • *One respondent did not indicate country of origin and is not included in this table.

  • HCQ, hydroxychloroquine; NR, not reported; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.