Table 1.

shows the main findings in lung parenchyma.

Parenchymal Findings%
Ground glass opacities72
No cavitated nodules41
Cavitated nodules20.7
Central airways comp (stenosis)9.4
Peribronchial thickening11.3
Pleural effusion7.7
  • According to the pattern of tomographic condition: 36.5 HAD %, 9.6% NIU, 7.8% NINE and, 1.5% Bronchiolitis obliterans.

  • The presence of positive MPO was significantly associated with the presence of honeycomb (p 0.017) and NIU (p 0.018).

  • There were no significant associations with the presence of PR3.

  • Mortality was 17%.

  • No association was found in relation to mortality or relapse frequency among PR3 or MPO positive patients.