Table 1

Baseline patient characteristics in the space and DESIR cohorts

Age at baseline (years)31 (8)33 (8)
Male gender161 (35)269 (47)
Symptom duration (years)1.8 (2.3)1.5 (0.8)
ASAS axSpA criteria172 (37)358 (62)
axSpA according to Rheumatologist*136 (30)269 (47)
ASAS pSpA criteria182 (39)320 (56)
ASAS SpA criteria†249 (54)443 (77)
Sacroiliitis on MRI-SIJ (ASAS)64 (14)153 (27)
BME on MRI-spine (≥5 lesions)21 (5)25 (4)
Radiographic sacroiliitis (mNY)38 (8)78 (14)
≥1 syndesmophyte on X-spine15 (3)39 (7)
Elevated CRP (≥6 mg/L)118 (25)169 (29)
Good response to NSAIDs ever189 (41)491 (85)
Peripheral arthritis ever76 (16)122 (21)
Dactylitis ever23 (5)78 (14)
Heel enthesitis ever91 (20)261 (45)
HLA-B27172 (37)345 (60)
Family history of SpA194 (42)250 (43)
Psoriasis ever54 (12)99 (17)
Uveitis ever33 (7)52 (9)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease ever35 (8)25 (4)
Current arthritis / any enthesitis / dactylitis317 (68)398 (69)
Inflammatory back pain308 (66)576 (100)
Number of SpA features (0–9)‡2 (1)3 (1)
  • Values are mean (SD) for continuous variables or number (%) for binary variables. SpA features are positive if ‘ever present’ (any time in the past and/or baseline).

  • *Clinical diagnosis of axSpA at baseline with a level of confidence >7; Missing data SPACE: axSpA according to Rheumatologist (n=454); Symptom duration (n=461); missing data DESIR: axSpA according to Rheumatologist (n=576).

  • †fulfilment of either ASAS axSpA or ASAS pSpA classification criteria.

  • ‡peripheral arthritis, heel enthesitis, dactylitis, psoriasis, uveitis, inflammatory bowel disease, good response to NSAIDs, elevated CRP and family history of SpA.

  • ASAS, Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society; axSpA, axial spondyloarthritis; BME, bone marrow oedema; CRP, C-reactive protein; mNY, modified New York criteria; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; pSpA, peripheral spondyloarthritis; SD, standard deviation; SIJ, sacroiliac joints; X-spine, radiograph of the spine.