Table 3

Use of medication for relief of gout pain over the first week (diary days 1–7) and between weeks 2 and 4 (week 4 follow-up)

Days 1–7Weeks 2–4
NaproxenColchicineOR (95% CI) (p value)NaproxenColchicineOR (95% CI) (p value)
N (%)*N (%)*Complete case*Imputed†N (%)*N (%)*Complete case*Imputed†
Paracetamol20 (13.4)34 (23.6)2.09 (1.11 to 3.93)
1.91 (1.05 to 3.51)
10 (7.5)11 (7.1)1.12 (0.45 to 2.82)
0.98 (0.40 to 2.37)
Ibuprofen16 (10.7)20 (13.9)1.54 (0.72 to 3.29)
1.58 (0.80 to 3.12)
12 (9.0)27 (17.5)2.34 (1.11 to 4.94)
1.93 (0.90 to 4.14)
Diclofenac2 (1.3)4 (2.8)4 (3.0)6 (3.9)
Indomethacin1 (0.7)0 (0.0)2 (1.5)5 (3.2)
Tramadol1 (0.7)0 (0.0)1 (0.7)2 (1.3)
Codeine7 (4.7)21 (14.6)3.62 (1.47 to 8.93)
3.20 (1.35 to 7.57)
12 (9.0)8 (5.2)0.60 (0.22 to 1.65)
0.59 (0.23 to 1.50)
Prednisolone3 (2.0)2 (1.4)2 (1.5)1 (0.6)
Any analgesic or non-naproxen NSAID‡37 (24.8)61 (42.4)2.23 (1.35 to 3.66)
1.89 (1.24 to 2.88)
37 (27.6)52 (33.8)1.34 (0.81 to 2.21)
0.95 (0.63 to 1.43)
  • OR for colchicine relative to naproxen (adjusted for age, gender and baseline pain score). *Analysis of complete case data (days 1–7: n=288; five cases excluded due to missing baseline pain scores; week 4: n=283; five cases excluded due to missing baseline pain scores). †Analysis of imputed data (n=399). n/a: analysis not applicable (as it is an evaluation of compliance with allocated treatment). –, ORs not estimated due to small frequency counts.

  • *Complete response to medication questions: diary days 1–7—149 in naproxen group and 144 in colchicine group; week 4—134 in naproxen group and 154 in colchicine group.

  • †Imputed data set: 200 in naproxen group; 199 in colchicine group (full ITT analysis).

  • ‡Paracetamol or codeine or tramadol or ibuprofen or diclofenac or indomethacin.

  • ITT, intention-to-treat; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.