Table 1

Occurrence rate of MRI lesions of the sacroiliac joints and in the spine according to subcategories from the number of participants (‘n’) with available information

Parameter (n patients with data available) and subcategoryn (%) patients in each subcategorySacroiliac jointsSpine
n (%) quadrants with BME on MRIn (%) segments with BME on MRIn (%) segments with FL on MRI
Age, years
<30114 (14.4%)24 (2.63%)19 (0.72%)208 (7.93%)
30–35120 (15.1%)20 (2.08%)57 (2.07%)288 (10.43%)
35–40198 (25.0%)51 (3.22%)104 (2.28%)499 (10.96%)
40–45361 (45.5%)92 (3.19%)182 (2.19%)1309 (15.77%)
Male392 (49.4%)100 (3.19%)158 (1.75%)1284 (14.24%)
Female401 (50.6%)87 (2.71%)204 (2.21%)1020 (11.06%)
hsCRP, mg/dL
Normal708 (93%)169 (2.98%)337 (2.07%)2054 (12.61%)
Increased53 (7%)15 (3.54%)18 (1.48%)165 (13.54%)
Negative689 (91.1%)157 (2.85%)307 (1.94%)1995 (12.59%)
Positive67 (8.9%)26 (4.85%)38 (2.47%)195 (12.65%)
BMI category, kg/m2
<25 (under–normal weight)357 (45%)60 (2.1%)159 (1.94%)803 (9.78%)
25–30 (overweight)287 (36.2%)83 (3.61%)146 (2.21%)918 (13.91%)
>30 (obese)149 (18.8%)44 (3.69%)57 (1.66%)583 (17.01%)
Ever smoked
Yes497 (62.8%)126 (3.17%)240 (2.1%)1499 (13.11%)
No295 (37.2%)61 (2.58%)122 (1.8%)800 (11.79%)
Back pain
NRS=0342 (43.1%)63 (2.30%)170 (2.16%)985 (12.52%)
NRS=1–3223 (28.1%)69 (3.87%)99 (1.93%)648 (12.63%)
NRS≥4228 (28.8%)55 (3.02%)93 (1.77%)671 (12.8%)
  • Percentages were calculated on the basis of the numbers of available sites.

  • BME, bone marrow oedema; BMI, body mass index; FL, fatty lesions; HLA-B27, human leucocyte antigen-B27; hsCRP, high-sensitivity C reactive protein; NRS, numerical rating scale.