Table 1

Prevalence of anti-Ro52 autoantibodies among patients with juvenile myositis

Clinical subgroupAnti-Ro52 autoantibody positive % (n/N)
Juvenile myositis (N=371)14% (n=53) ***
 Juvenile dermatomyositis (N=302)14% (n=42) ***
 Juvenile polymyositis (N=25)12% (n=3) *
 Juvenile connective tissue-disease myositis (N=44):18% (n=8) ***
  Juvenile lupus erythematosus (N=13)23% (n=3) **
  Juvenile systemic sclerosis (N=11)0% (n=0)
  Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (N=7)29% (n=2) *
  Other autoimmune diseases† (N=13)23% (n=3) **
Myositis-specific autoantibody subgroup
 Anti-p155/140 (TIF-1) (N=119)11% (n=13)
 Anti-NXP2 (N=77)14% (n=11)
 Anti-MDA5 (N=32)31% (n=10) *
 Antiaminoacyl tRNA synthetase (N=14)64% (n=9) ***
 Anti-SRP (N=7)0% (n=0)
 Anti-Mi2 (N=13)15% (n=2)
 Anti-HMGCR (N=4)50% (n=2)
 MSA negative (N=96)5% (n=5) **
Juvenile healthy controls (N=90)1% (n=1)
  • x² or Fisher’s exact tests were used to compare the percentage of positive patients compared with the percentage of negative patients within each myositis clinical and autoantibody subgroup.

  • *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.

  • †autoimmune hepatitis, eosinophilic fasciitis, fasciitis, juvenile diabetes mellitus, lichen sclerosis, linear morphea, psoriasis, Sjögren’s syndrome, ulcerative colitis.

  • HMGCR, 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-CoA Reductase;MDA5, melanoma differentiation associated protein-5;MSA, myositis-specific autoantibody; NXP2, nuclear matrix protein-2;SRP, signal recognition particle;tRNA, transfer RNA;TIF-1, transcription intermediary factor 1.