Table 1

Demographics and baseline disease characteristics

CharacteristicsPlacebo (n=67)Lutikizumab (n=64)
Age, years, mean±SD66±766±8
Female, n (%)58 (87)53 (83)
Race, n (%)
 White66 (99)63 (98)
 Black1 (1)0
 Asian01 (2)
BMI, kg/m2, mean±SD28±527±5
OA duration, years
 Median (range)8.5 (0.4–37.5)7.4 (0.1–34.5)
Prior NSAID use, n (%)35 (52)36 (56)
Prior opioids use, n (%)1 (1)2 (3)
AUSCAN pain (full scale, 0–50), mean±SD*39±738±6
AUSCAN function (full scale, 0–90), mean±SD*69±1571±13
Tender joints, both hands (full scale, 0–30), mean±SD*12±612±7
Swollen joints, both hands (full scale, 0–30), mean±SD*6±56±5
Verbruggen-Veys radiographic erosive joints, both hands (full scale, 0–16), mean±SD†2±23±2
Kellgren-Lawrence score, both hands (full scale, 0–80), mean±SD‡42±1346±13
OARSI JSN, both hands (full scale, 0–58), mean±SD§29±1032±9
OARSI osteophytes, both hands (full scale, 0–58), mean±SD§23±1126±10
HOAMRIS synovitis, index hand (sum score, 0–52.5), mean±SD¶**11±510±4
HOAMRIS erosive damage, index hand (sum score, 0–52.5), mean±SD¶**18±1018±9
HOAMRIS BML, index hand (sum score, 0–52.5), mean±SD¶**7±65±5
HOAMRIS cartilage space loss, index hand (sum score, 0–45), mean±SD¶**14±715±7
Joints with synovitis by MRI, index hand (full scale, 0–15), mean±SD¶**9±38±3
ANC, ×109/L, mean±SD3.8±1.04.1±1.6
hsCRP, mg/L
 Median (range)1.8 (0.2–44.5)1.8 (0.3–53.7)
  • *Placebo: n=66.

  • †Defined by Verbruggen et al,33 erosive phase+erosive with remodelling phase. Measured in DIP joints 2–5 and PIP joints 2–5.

  • ‡Measured in DIP joints 2–5, PIP joints 2–5, CMC joint of the thumb and IP joint of the thumb.

  • §Measured in DIP joints 2–5, PIP joints 2–5, MCP joints 1–5, CMC joint of the thumb, IP joint of the thumb and STT joint.

  • ¶Measured in DIP joints 2–5, PIP joints 2–5, MCP joints 1–5, CMC joint of the thumb and IP joint of the thumb.

  • **Placebo: n=63; lutikizumab: n=59.

  • STT, scaphotrapeziotrapezoid.ANC, absolute neutrophil count; AUSCAN, Australian/Canadian Osteoarthritis Hand Index; BMI, body mass index; BML, bone marrow lesions; CMC, carpometacarpal; DIP, distal interphalangeal; HOAMRIS, Hand Osteoarthritis MRI Scoring system; IP, interphalangeal; JSN, joint space narrowing; MCP, metacarpophalangeal; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OA, osteoarthritis; OARSI, Osteoarthritis Research Society International; PIP, proximal interphalangeal; hsCRP, high-sensitivity C reactive protein.