Table 3

Frequencies of patients with RA and controls with grade ≥2 erosions and with erosions with the simultaneous presence of local inflammation in an MCP and/or MTP joint; analyses on person level

Number of persons with erosionsGrade ≥2 erosionsErosions with inflammation
No grade ≥2 erosionsGrade ≥2 erosionsErosion+
RA<40 years (n=33)1411 (79%)3 (21%)3 (21%)11 (79%)
40–59 years (n=96)3934 (87%)5 (13%)16 (41%)23 (59%)
≥60 years (n=109)7968 (86%)11 (14%)18 (23%)61 (77%)
Control<40 years (n=51)99 (100%)0 (0%)9 (100%)0 (0%)
40–59 years (n=90)3635 (97%)1 (3%)28 (78%)8 (22%)
≥60 years (n=52)3635 (97%)1 (3%)21 (58%)15 (42%)
  • The presence of grade ≥2 erosions and erosions with inflammation (BME and/or synovitis) was evaluated per MCP and MTP bones according to the Rheumatoid Arthritis MRI Scoring System. Grade ≥2 erosions indicate that >10% of the bone is eroded. The presence of BME and/or synovitis was defined as a score of ≥1.

  • BME, bone marrow oedema; MCP, metacarpophalangeal joint; MTP, metatarsophalangeal joint; RA, rheumatoid arthritis.