Table 3

Summary of treatment-emergent AEs (safety population)

AEs, n (%)Placebo
Belimumab 10 mg/kg
 Any AE178 (75.7)352 (74.9)
 Treatment-related AE*55 (23.4)136 (28.9)
 SAE43 (18.3)58 (12.3)
 Severe AE25 (10.6)39 (8.3)
 SAE and/or severe AE47 (20.0)64 (13.6)
 AE resulting in study agent discontinuation22 (9.4)29 (6.2)
 Death1 (0.4)0 (0.0)
AEs by preferred term†, ‡
 Upper respiratory tract infection39 (16.6)65 (13.8)
 Nasopharyngitis26 (11.1)56 (11.9)
 Pyrexia21 (8.9)30 (6.4)
 Viral upper respiratory tract infection15 (6.4)34 (7.2)
 Cough16 (6.8)30 (6.4)
 Diarrhoea14 (6.0)28 (6.0)
 Herpes zoster12 (5.1)29 (6.2)
 Headache16 (6.8)23 (4.9)
 Urinary tract infection11 (4.7)21 (4.5)
 Upper respiratory tract infection bacterial13 (5.5)16 (3.4)
 Abdominal pain8 (3.4)17 (3.6)
 Urinary tract infection bacterial2 (0.9)20 (4.3)
 Abdominal pain upper6 (2.6)15 (3.2)
 Dizziness7 (3.0)14 (3.0)
 Nausea4 (1.7)17 (3.6)
 Hypokalaemia8 (3.4)11 (2.3)
 Oropharyngeal pain10 (4.3)7 (1.5)
 Lupus nephritis7 (3.0)7 (1.5)
 Malignant neoplasms 01 (0.2)
 Post-infusion systemic reactions§29 (12.3)61 (13.0)
  Serious1 (0.4) 0
 Infections of special interest20 (8.5)36 (7.7)
 Depression¶6 (2.6)9 (1.9)
 Completed suicide** 0 0
 Suicide attempts and ideation††1 (0.4)‡‡1 (0.2)§§
  • *Considered by the investigator to be at least possibly related to study agent.

  • †Patients were only counted once per MedDRA preferred term.

  • ‡In ≥3% patients in either treatment group.

  • §Per anaphylactic reaction CMQ broad search.

  • ¶Per MedDRA preferred term.

  • **As per GSK adjudication.

  • ††Per standard MedDRA query.

  • ‡‡This was recorded as a suicide attempt.

  • §§This was recorded as suicidal ideation.

  • AE, adverse event; AESI, adverse event of special interest; CMQ, customised MedDRA query; GSK, GlaxoSmithKline; MedDRA, Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities; SAE, serious adverse event.