Table 1

Baseline demographics for the total cohort and the sensitivity to change arm

Total cohort (n=129)Sensitivity to change (n=53)
Age, mean±SD52.1±13.348.0±14.0
Disease duration, mean±SD10.2±7.89.5±8.8
BMI, mean±SD29.2±5.928.9±5.5
Sex, M (%)55 (42.6)22 (41.5%)
Erosive disease, yes (%)50 (38.8)19 (35.8%)
Smoker, yes (%)19 (14.7)8 (15.1%)
SJC, median (range)1 (0–15)2 (0–15)
TJC, median (range)6 (0–54)8 (0–50)
PASI, median (range)0.2 (0–7.9)0.3 (0–7.9)
LEI, median (range)0 (0–6)0 (0–4)
Dactylitis, median (range)0 (0–7)0 (0–4)
mCPDAI, median (range)3 (0–10)3 (0–10)
  • BMI, body mass index; LEI, Leeds Enthesitis Index; mCPDAI, modified Composite Disease Activity Index; PASI, Psoriasis Activity and Severity Index; SJC, swollen joint count; TJC, tender joint count.