Table 2

Lymphoma subtype distribution (Hodgkin’s, B-cell and T-cell lymphomas) in patients with RA in treatment groups. ARTIS and BSRBR-RA, both with more than 30 lymphomas in the bionaïve and TNFi groups, are shown separately to describe the robustness of the results

N totalHodgkin’sB cellT cellNOS
n%95% CIn%95% CIn%95% CIN excluded
 ARTIS197136.63.3 to 11.817488.382.1 to 93.0105.12.6 to 8.819
 BSRBR30516.75.1 to 37.02273.350.9 to 88.6310.01.8 to 29.14
 Other3139.71.8 to 28.62477.455.3 to 91.2412.93.2 to 32.57
 Total258218.14.7 to 12.922085.379.3 to 90.0176.63.6 to 11.230
  ARTIS52611.54.0 to 26.24076.961.1 to 88.3611.54.0 to 26.27
  BSRBR771114.36.5 to 25.96381.869.4 to 90.633.90.7 to 12.110
  Other7379.63.6 to 20.46183.671.3 to 91.856.92.0 to 17.011
  Total2022411.97.0 to 18.316481.274.1 to 87.3146.93.3 to 12.328
Rituximab6000 to 50.0583.332.9 to 99.7116.70.3 to 67.20
Tocilizumab5000 to 56.0510044.0 to 100000 to 56.01
Abatacept3000 to 74.4310025.6 to 100000 to 74.40
RA total474459.56.6 to 13.239783.879.3 to 87.6326.84.3 to 10.059
  • BSRBR-RA, British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register for Rheumatoid Arthritis; NOS, not otherwise specified; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; TNFi, tumour necrosis factor inhibitor.