Table 1

Descriptive characteristics of 957 identified incident IIM cases and matched controls

IIM casesControls
 Women, n (%)546 (57)5401 (57)
 Age, mean (SD)59 (15)59 (15)
Education, n (%)
 >12 years255 (27)2554 (27)
 10–12 years392 (41)3886 (41)
 <9 years297 (31)2902 (31)
 Missing13 (1)134 (1)
Diagnosis, n (%)
 Dermatomyositis301 (31)
  Other IIM*656 (69)
History of hospitalisation or outpatient visit indicating exposure†, n (%)
 Infections125 (13)877 (9)
 Respiratory tract disease92 (10)423 (4)
Years since last exposure†, mean (SD)
 Infections3.4 (2.1)3.6 (2.3)
 Respiratory tract disease3.0 (2.0)3.4 (2.2)
  • *Other IIM includes polymyositis, inclusion body myositis and unspecified myositis

  • 12-month latency period between exposure and outcome.