Table 4

Studies eligible for meta-analysis of CWP and mortality

Study (location)Sampling framePain phenotypePain phenotype prevalence (%)Deaths (n)/Study (n)Follow-up (years)
Andersson15Random sample in two municipalities>4 pain locations representing both the upper and lower body and including axial pain9.4189/160914
Åsberg et al11All inhabitants of one countyCWP modified* definition in ACR 1990 criteria of FM23.112 521/65 02614
Macfarlane et al1Persons registered with GP in two areasWP according to definition in ACR 1990 criteria of FM15.3654/65698
Macfarlane et al (current study)Persons aged 40–69 registered with GP in 22 areas‘Pain all over the body’ lasting ≥3 months1.412 799/288 8487
McBeth et al3Age-stratified and sex-stratified sample from 3 GPs in one regionWP definition in ACR 1990 criteria of FM16.91017/43448
Nitter and Forseth14Women born in 1940–1969 in one townPain in muscles and joints and back, or pain in whole body, lasting ≥3 months12.989/203818
  • *There was no requirement to have pain on both sides of the body.

  • ACR, American College of Rheumatology; CWP, chronic widespread pain; GP, general practitioner; FM,fibromyalgia; WP, widespread pain.