Table 2

Primary and secondary endpoints

ParameterPlacebo (n=6)hUC-MSC (n=12)
Overall response to treatment
 Remission of nephritis (combined partial and complete remission), no (%)5 (83)9 (75)
 Complete remission of nephritis, no (%)3 (50)5 (42)
 Mean time to remission, weeks (SD)7 (5)7 (4)
Renal disease activity
 Mean 24 hours urine protein at 6 months, g/24 h (SD)3.1 (2.7)1.0 (1.0)
 Mean change in 24 hours urine protein, g/24 h (SD)*−1.4 (1.1)−2.1 (1.8)
 Mean serum albumin at 6 months, g/L (SD)36 (7)39 (5)
 Mean change in serum albumin, g/L (SD)*9 (6)14 (6)
 Mean serum creatinine at 6 months, µmol/L (SD)59 (9)63 (18)
 Mean change in serum creatinine at 6 months, µmol/L (SD)*−19 (25)−7 (16)
 Mean creatinine clearance at 6 months, mL/min (SD)118 (21)115 (32)
 Mean change in creatinine clearance at 6 months, mL/min (SD)*27 (28)10 (21)
 Renal impairment (creatinine clearance <60 mL/min) at 6 months, no (%)0 (0)0 (0)
SLE disease activity
 Mean change in SLEDAI score (SD)*−5 (8)−8 (4)
 SLEDAI score >8 at 6 months, no (%)4 (67)3 (25)
 BILAG score A or B at 6 months, no (%)5 (83)8 (67)
 Anti-dsDNA antibody raised (≥1:10) at 6 months, no (%)3 (50)1 (8)
 ANA ≥1:80 at 6 months, no (%)5 (83)7 (58)
 Mean change in ANA titre, unit (SD)*−413 (732)−248 (360)
 Mean change in C3, mg/dL (SD) *33 (32)36 (35)
 Mean change in C4, mg/dL (SD)*7 (8)11 (12)
Patient outcome
 Death, no (%)0 (0.0)1 (8.3)
 Permanent dialysis, no (%)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
  • *Change at 6 months from baseline value.

  • ANA, antinuclear antibody; BILAG, British Isles Lupus Assessment Group; dsDNA, double-stranded DNA; hUC-MSC, human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cell; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; SLEDAI, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index.