Table 1

Updated EULAR recommendations for management of early arthritis, with LoE, GoR and LoA

A.Shared decisionnana9.87±0.46
1.Early referralIbB9.43±1.16
2.Clinical examinationIIbC9.48±0.99
4.Early treatment startIaA9.35±1.07
5.MTX, the anchor drugIaA9.52±0.99
8.Remission and treatment strategiesIb, IV†A, D9.52±0.9
9.Regular monitoringIa, IVA, D‡9.13±1.06
10.Non-pharmaceutical interventionsIaB8.96±1.26
11.PreventionIIb, IVC, D‡8.96±1.19
12.Patient informationIa, IbB9.35±0.98
  • *LoE and GoR are based on the recommendations of the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. LoA was based on an anonymised email voting system with a 0–10 scale by all members of the expert committee (data are mean±SD; 100% of voters).

  • †The general statement is evidence-based.

  • ‡The place in the treatment algorithm is based on expert consensus.

  • EULAR, European League Against Rheumatism; GoR, grade of recommendation; LoA, level of agreement; LoE, level of evidence; MTX, methotrexate; na, not applicable; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.