Table 4

The task force's three key recommendations for defining remission in SLE

Key principles for defining remission in SLEAgreement
  • Definitions of remission in SLE will be worded as follows: Remission in SLE is a durable state characterized by …………………. (reference to symptoms, signs, routine labs)

    • Requirement for serology may be added

93% (2 abstained)
  • For defining remission in SLE, a validated index must be used

    • Suggested indices are: clinical SLEDAI=0; BILAG 2004 D or E only; clinical ECLAM=0

    • These must be supplemented by the physician's global assessment being below an appropriate threshold (eg, <0.5 on a 0–3 scale)

  • A distinction will be made between remission off therapy and remission on therapy

    • Remission off therapy requires the patient to be on no other treatment for SLE than maintenance antimalarials

    • Remission on therapy allows patients to be treated with maintenance antimalarials, stable, low-dose glucocorticoids (eg, prednisone ≤5 mg/day), maintenance immunosuppressives and/or stable (maintenance) biologics

100% (3 abstained)
  • ECLAM, European consensus lupus outcome measure; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.