Table 2

Crude incidence rate of atrial fibrillation with allopurinol exposure

Person-days of follow-up#Cases of atrial fibrillationAtrial fibrillation incidence rate per 1 000 000 person-days
Allopurinol exposure*
 Yes4 264 752801188
 No2 914 181565194
Allopurinol duration
 0 days2 914 181565194
 1–180 days1 916 296427223
 181 days–2 years1 683 367278165
 >2 years665 08996143
  • *Allopurinol exposure up to 30 days after last day of medication fill/refill; baseline period for allopurinol was 365 days, that is, each new allopurinol exposure was defined as no previous exposure in the baseline.