Table 1

Summary of baseline patient and disease characteristics among randomised PsA patients with peripheral arthritis with and without physician-reported spondylitis at baseline in PSUMMIT-1 and PSUMMIT-2

Patients randomised, N92164256671
Age (years), mean (SD)47.4 (12.78)45.7 (11.68)46.3 (12.08)47.8 (12.00)
Female, n (%)47 (51.1)69 (42.1)116 (45.3)333 (49.6)
BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD)29.5 (6.60)29.3 (6.74)29.4 (6.68)31.4 (7.39)
Number of swollen joints (0–66), mean (SD)14.6 (10.15)13.6 (9.41)14.0 (9.7)13.6 (9.13)
Number of tender joints (0–68), mean (SD)24.3 (14.20)24.2 (15.03)24.3 (14.71)24.1 (14.63)
HAQ-DI score (0–3), mean (SD)1.4 (0.59)1.3 (0.63)1.3 (0.62)1.2 (0.66)
CRP (mg/L), mean (SD)18.6 (24.89)22.5 (27.89)21.1 (26.87)17.2 (20.92)
PsA subtypes, n (%)
 DIP joint arthritis1 (1.1)2 (1.2)3 (1.2)109 (16.2)
 Arthritis mutilans0005 (0.7)
 Asymmetric peripheral arthritis01 (0.6)1 (0.4)192 (28.6)
 Polyarticular arthritis, no rheumatoid nodules1 (1.1)2 (1.2)3 (1.2)359 (53.5)
 Spondylitis with peripheral arthritis90 (97.8)159 (97.0)249 (97.3)6 (0.9)
PsA duration (years), mean (SD)7.5 (8.94)6.5 (6.44)6.9 (7.44)7.1 (7.71)
Psoriasis duration (years), mean (SD)16.0 (12.62)15.9 (11.51)15.9 (11.89)15.1 (12.59)
Patients taking MTX, n (%)37 (40.2)85 (51.8)122 (47.7)329 (49.0)
DAS28, mean (SD)5.2 (1.08)5.3 (1.00)5.3 (1.03)5.2 (1.01)
Patients with digits with dactylitis, n (%)46 (50.0)86 (52.4)132 (51.6)291 (43.4)
 Dactylitis score (1–60), mean (SD)9.3 (12.03)8.5 (10.35)8.7 (10.92)9.0 (10.54)
Patients with enthesitis, n (%)71 (77.2)135 (82.3)206 (80.5)456 (68.0)
 Enthesitis score (MASES, 1–15), mean (SD)5.2 (3.93)6.1 (3.74)5.8 (3.81)5.4 (3.91)
Patients with radiographic erosion, n/N (%)84/92 (91.3)149/162 (92.0)233/254 (91.7)585/655 (89.3)
BASDAI score (1–10), mean (SD)6.4 (1.68)6.7 (1.59)6.6 (1.63)n/a
BASDAI question 2 score (1–10), mean (SD)6.3 (2.67)6.8 (2.23)6.6 (2.41)n/a
Patients with ≥3% BSA psoriasis skin involvement, n (%)69 (75.0)137 (83.5)206 (80.5)475 (71.0)
 BSA (%), mean (SD)28.4 (26.10)30.1 (25.60)29.6 (25.72)17.9 (19.94)
 PASI score (0–72), mean (SD)13.9 (12.55)14.8 (12.36)14.5 (12.40)10.4 (9.36)
 DLQI (0–30), mean (SD)12.6 (7.84)12.3 (7.05)12.4 (7.31)11.0 (7.54)
  • BASDAI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; BMI, body mass index; BSA, body surface area; CRP, C reactive protein; DAS-28, 28-joint disease activity score; DIP, distal interphalangeal; DLQI, Dermatology Life Quality Index; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index; MASES, Maastricht Ankylosing Spondylitis Enthesitis Score; MTX, methotrexate; n/a, not applicable; PASI, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index; PsA, psoriatic arthritis.