Table 3

Correlation between change from baseline in SPARCC SIJ score or CRP and change in clinical and SPARCC SSS measures, ETN/ETN group

ASDASWeek 12 Δ940.35†980.61†
Week 48 Δ880.58†890.58†
BASDAIWeek 12 Δ970.27*1000.22‡
Week 48 Δ900.42†900.30*
BASMIWeek 12 Δ940.07970.34†
Week 48 Δ880.14880.28*
BASFIWeek 12 Δ970.171000.20‡
Week 48 Δ900.35†900.20
Total back painWeek 12 Δ970.28*1000.20‡
Week 48 Δ900.45†900.20
CRPWeek 12 Δ960.31*
Week 48 Δ890.37†
ASAS40Week 12 Δ97−0.30*100−0.19
Week 48 Δ90−0.39†90−0.16
SSS Fat metaplasiaWeek 48 Δ88−0.28*87−0.07
SSS ErosionWeek 48 Δ880.57†870.25‡
SSS AnkylosisWeek 48 Δ880.1187−0.08
SSS BackfillWeek 48 Δ88−0.61†87−0.20
  • *p<0.01, †p<0.001, ‡p<0.05.

  • Clinical measures used observed case population. SSS scores include baseline and week 48; no values from an early termination visit were included.

  • For change from baseline to week 12 in the PBO/ETN group, the significant correlations were R=0.37 for CRP/ASDAS and R=0.22 for SPARCC SIJ/CRP. For change from baseline to week 48 in the PBO/ETN group, the significant correlations were: R=0.24 for SPARCC SIJ/ASDAS; R=0.32 for SPARCC SIJ/CRP; R=−0.46 for SPARCC SIJ/fat metaplasia; R=0.55 for SPARCC SIJ/erosion; R=−0.43 for SPARCC SIJ/backfill; R=0.62 for CRP/ASDAS; R=0.31 for CRP/BASDAI; and R=0.30 for CRP/BASFI.

  • ASAS40, Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society 40; ASDAS, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score; BASDAI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; BASFI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index; BASMI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index; CRP, C-reactive protein; ETN, etanercept; PBO, placebo; R, Spearman correlation; SIJ, sacroiliac joint; SPARCC, Spondylitis Research Consortium of Canada; SSS, SPARCC MRI SIJ structural score.