Table 1

Mean fold change in mRNA of selected representative genes related to T helper functional differentiation, inflammation and vascular remodelling in cultured temporal arteries from 34 patients with GCA and 21 controls subjected to different treatments (control IgG1, A6, recombinant IFNγ or dexamethasone)

GCA/controlGCA biopsies
Fold increase Clone A6/IgG1IFNγ/untreatedDexa/untreated
Transcription factors
Proinflammatory molecules
Chemokine receptors
 CXCR310.0717*0.66402.1125*Not done
Adhesion molecules
Vascular remodelling-related molecules
Growth factors
Extracellular matrix proteins
 FN10.87571.0473Not done2.3182
 COL11.90860.9953Not done0.9594
 COL30.90370.8602Not done1.0790
MMP inhibitors
  • Number of specimens analysed: negative biopsies: 21; untreated GCA: 29; GCA treated with A6: 21; GCA treated with IgG1: 18; GCA treated with IFNγ: 9; GCA treated with dexamethasone: 11.

  • Bold values indicate consistent opposite results achieved by blocking IFNγ with A6 or by adding recombinant IFNγ.

  • *p<0.05.

  • Clone A6, anti-human IFNγ monoclonal antibody; GCA, giant cell arteritis; IgG1, isotype-matched control immunoglobulin; ICAM, intracellular adhesion molecule; IFNγ, recombinant interferon γ; MMP, matrix metalloproteinases; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor.