Table 4

ORs of multiple logistic regression for mortality after sepsis (85 deaths in 135 patients, approach B) and of a GEE-type regression model for all-cause mortality (138 deaths in 859 patients, approach C)

Death from sepsisAll-cause mortality after SI
Age (by 10 years)1.531.04 to 2.261.851.43 to 2.40
Sex (male vs female)1.560.65 to 3.721.400.89 to 2.19
FFbH (by 10% improvement)0.860.79 to 0.94
GC (<5 mg/d=reference)..
 GC (5– <10 mg/d vs ref.)1.080.69 to 1.70
 GC (≥10 mg/d vs ref.)1.670.95 to 2.96
 TNFα0.280.12 to 0.630.340.21 to 0.55
 Other bDMARD0.760.22 to 2.670.270.14 to 0.51
Heart failure (yes vs no)3.250.95 to to 3.81
Chronic renal disease (yes vs no)1.651.00 to 2.73
  • csDMARD, conventional synthetic DMARD; DMARD, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; GC, glucocorticoids; GEE, generalised estimating equations; SI, serious infection; TNFi, tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitor (adalimumab, etanercept, infliximab, golimumab, certolizumab), other bDMARD (tocilizumab, rituximab, abatacept). Physical function (FFbH) and doses of GC refer to measurements of most recent study visit, DMARD exposure is the current exposure at SI. The median time between the last study visit and the SI was 3.7 months (first quartile: 1.9 months, third quartile: 6.2 months).