Table 1

Patient characteristics of week 26 CDC achievers and non-achievers

 CDC achieversNon-achievers
 Age, mean±SD48.5±13.353.9±13.0
 Female, n (%)123 (61.5)973 (76.8)
 Trial, n (%)
  OPTIMA58 (29.0)255 (20.1)
  PREMIER98 (49.0)563 (44.4)
  DE01944 (22.0)449 (35.4)
Study outcomes, mean±SD
 Continuous CDC components
 Patient-reported outcomes
  SF-36 physical component score*,†34.2±8.929.7±8.0
  SF-36 mental component score*,†48.2±12.445.9±12.0
 Lab values
  Haemoglobin (g/dL)13.1±1.512.8±1.5
  Creatine (mg/dL)0.8±0.20.7±0.2
 Work-related outcomes in OPTIMA§
  Activity impairment*26.9±24.247.8±23.9
  Work impairment*29.4±26.549.9±30.9
  Work instability scale6.7±6.611.7±7.2
 Work-related outcomes in PREMIER/DE032¶
  Number of work days missed among employed patients in the last 4 weeks3.2±6.15.2±8.6
  Level work performance has been affected among employed patients in the last week*45.6±32.653.5±32.0
  Number of work days missed among homemakers in the last 4 weeks4.7±8.37.2±10.1
  Level work performance has been affected among homemakers in the last week*43.6±26.862.4±26.4
Additional measures
 Clinical characteristics, mean±SD
  RA duration (years)2.7±5.14.4±7.3
  Swollen joint count (66)16.1±8.019.8±9.8
  Tender joint count (68)21.1±10.229.0±13.7
  C reactive protein (mg/L)20.1±23.727.7±33.6
  Physician’s global assessment of disease activity*58.7±18.564.5±17.2
  Patient’s global assessment of disease activity*55.0±25.660.6±23.3
 Radiographic findings, mean±SD
  Erosion score12.6±18.520.9±25.0
  Joint space narrowing8.3±14.316.3±21.4
 Components of CDC achievement at week 26, n (%)
  Full achievement200 (100.0)0 (0.0)
  Achieved HAQ <0.5 and DAS <2.60 (0.0)58 (4.6)
  Achieved HAQ <0.5 and ΔmTSS ≤0.50 (0.0)216 (17.0)
  Achieved DAS <2.6 and ΔmTSS ≤0.50 (0.0)89 (7.0)
  Achieved HAQ <0.5 only0 (0.0)95 (7.5)
  Achieved DAS <2.6 only0 (0.0)33 (2.6)
  Achieved ΔmTSS ≤0.5 only0 (0.0)495 (39.1)
  Achieved none0 (0.0)281 (22.2)
 ACR-EULAR remission achievement at week 26, n (%)
  Yes65 (33.0)29 (2.3)
  • *Measured from 0 to 100.

  • †Not measured in OPTIMA patients.

  • ‡Measured from 0 to 52. Greater values indicate less fatigue.

  • §Among OPTIMA patients only.

  • ¶Among PREMIER/DE032 patients only.

  • ACR-EULAR, American College of Rheumatology-European League Against Rheumatism; CDC, comprehensive disease control; DAS, Disease Activity Score; FACIT, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire disability index; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SF-36, Short Form 36; VAS, Visual Analogue Scale; mTSS, modified total Sharp score; ΔmTSS, change in modified total Sharp score.