Table 1

Patients requiring missing data imputation* for change from baseline in total PsA-modified vdH-S score at wk 24; randomised patients in PSUMMIT-1 and PSUMMIT-2

Placebo (%)45 mg (%)90 mg (%)
Patients in PSUMMIT-1 + PSUMMIT-2, n310308309
 Requiring median imputation32 (10.3)12 (3.9)15 (4.9)
 Requiring linear extrapolation7 (2.3)7 (2.3)10 (3.2)
Patients in PSUMMIT-1, n206205204
 Requiring median imputation12 (5.8)6 (2.9)5 (2.5)
 Requiring linear extrapolation3 (1.5)5 (2.4)5 (2.5)
Patients in PSUMMIT-2, n104103105
 Requiring median imputation20 (19.2)6 (5.8)10 (9.5)
 Requiring linear extrapolation4 (3.8)2 (1.9)5 (4.8)
Anti-TNF naive patients, n424347
 Requiring median imputation5 (11.9)2 (4.7)3 (6.4)
 Requiring linear extrapolation1 (2.4)02 (4.3)
Anti-TNF-experienced patients, n626058
 Requiring median imputation15 (24.2)4 (6.7)7 (12.1)
 Requiring linear extrapolation3 (4.8)2 (3.3)3 (5.2)
  • *Missing X-ray data were imputed via linear extrapolation if X-ray data were available at two time points during the period from wk 0 to wk 24, or from wk 24 to wk 52 or, if radiographic data were insufficient for linear extrapolation, via assignment of the median of the change in the total scores based on all patients within the same MTX stratification at the missing visit.

  • anti-TNF, anti-tumour necrosis factor α; MTX, methotrexate; PsA, psoriatic arthritis; vdH-S, van der Heijde-Sharp; wk, week.