Table 1

Definitions of remission and relapse based on the polymyalgia rheumatica activity score (PMR-AS) by Leeb and Bird14

PMR-AS=CRP (mg/dl)+patient's pain assessment (VAS 0–10)*+physician's global assessment (VAS 0–10)+(morning stiffness (min)×0.1) + EUL (0–3)
Relapse12>9.35 or a ΔPMR-AS score >6.6
  • * 0=no pain; 10=unbearable pain.

  • 0=no disease activity; 10= highest possible activity.

  • 0=above shoulder girdle; 1=up to shoulder girdle; 2=below shoulder girdle; 3=none.

  • CRP, C-reactive protein; EUL, ability to elevate the upper limbs; VAS, visual analogue scale.