IPFP area (lower) | IPFP area (middle) | IPFP area (higher) | p Value | |
Men | ≤7.86 cm2 (n=57) | 7.86–8.80 cm2 (n=58) | ≥8.80 cm2 (n=57) | |
Age (years) | 61.6 (7.8) | 62.2 (7.4) | 63.2 (6.9) | 0.190 |
Height (cm) | 170.9 (5.9) | 173.9 (6.0) | 176.8 (5.3) | <0.001 |
Weight (kg) | 79.2 (12.0) | 83.8 (12.1) | 88.5 (13.5) | <0.001 |
Knee ROA (%) | 58.5 | 52.2 | 51.5 | 0.444 |
Knee pain (%) | 44.5 | 43.2 | 50.3 | 0.458 |
Medial tibial cartilage volume (mm3) | 2567.4 (529.5) | 2602.0 (595.6) | 2661.4 (570.6) | <0.001 |
Lateral tibial cartilage volume (mm3) | 3061.2 (583.0) | 3155.8 (522.0) | 3242.1 (626.1) | <0.001 |
Patellar cartilage volume (mm3) | 3598.5 (749.7) | 3665.1 (859.9) | 4061.5 (865.8) | <0.001 |
Total tibial bone size (mm2) | 2231.8 (242.4) | 2288.5 (200.3) | 2434.1 (207.4) | <0.001 |
Women | ≤6.46 cm2 (n=61) | 6.46–7.24 cm2 (n=62) | ≥7.24 cm2 (n=61) | |
Age (years) | 62.3 (7.7) | 62.2 (7.2) | 61.3 (6.6) | 0.482 |
Height (cm) | 157.8 (5.5) | 160.5 (5.3) | 163.7 (5.7) | <0.001 |
Weight (kg) | 68.3 (11.7) | 71.5 (13.6) | 74.5 (15.2) | <0.001 |
Knee ROA (%) | 60.0 | 67.9 | 63.4 | 0.400 |
Knee pain (%) | 53.4 | 53.5 | 51.7 | 0.945 |
Medial tibial cartilage volume (mm3) | 1817.8 (378.9) | 1946.0 (397.9) | 2045.4 (436.4) | <0.001 |
Lateral tibial cartilage volume (mm3) | 2128.9 (398.5) | 2300.9 (482.9) | 2472.7 (468.8) | <0.001 |
Patellar cartilage volume (mm3) | 2419.9 (610.8) | 2640.8 (614.6) | 2950.0 (711.4) | <0.001 |
Total tibial bone size (mm2) | 1793.3 (152.2) | 1856.1 (158.9) | 1942.1 (180.3) | <0.001 |
The IPFP value is grouped into three by the tertiles of baseline IPFP area (lower, middle and higher); Results are shown as mean (SD) except for percentage.
IPFP, infrapatellar fat pad; ROA, radiographic osteoarthritis.