Table 1

Patient characteristics

Participants, n (n per group*)47 (18,14,15)22 (8,7,7)12 (5,4,3)13 (5,4,3)
Disease duration in years, mean (min–max)8 (1–40)6 (1–14)11 (1–40)10 (1–27)
Age in years, mean (min–max)56 (29–76)58 (30–76)52 (29–65)57 (35–71)
Gender (% female)66647562
Self-perceived remission, n (%)24 (51)13 (59)4 (33)7 (54)
Past experience with self-perceived remission, n (%)37 (79)18 (82)7 (58)12 (92)
ACR/EULAR remission, n (%)13 (32)7 (32)1 (20)†5 (39)
PtGA (mean, min–max)2,9 (0–9)2,5 (0–8)4,5 (0,5–9)2,0 (0–5)
Disease activity score based on a 28 joint count, mean (SD)2,3 (1,6)1,8 (1,2)3,8 (1,8) †2,6 (1,6)
  • *Groups included: ACR/EULAR remission group, self-perceived remission group, moderate to high disease activity group.

  • †7 out of 12 missing data, as not all patients in Bristol had recent joint assessments to enable calculation of their remission status.

  • PtGA, patient global assessment of disease activity.