Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the cohorts

 sDMARDAll TNFiFirst TNFi drug
N=3249N=11 767ETAINFADA
Mean age: years (SD)60 (12)56 (12)56 (12)56 (12)56 (12)
Female: %2381 (73)8977 (76)3150 (77)2614 (76)3213 (76)
Smoking history (%)
 Current smoker770 (24)2569 (22)834 (22)756 (22)979 (23)
 Former smoker1276 (39)4466 (38)1551 (38)1309 (38)1606 (38)
 Never smoked1188 (37)4656 (40)1661 (41)1374 (40)1621 (38)
 Not recorded14 (0)76 (1)27 (1)18 (1)31 (1)
Ethnicity (%)
 White2459 (76)9725 (83)3380 (83)2798 (81)3547 (84)
 Other62 (2)407 (3)141 (3)126 (4)140 (3)
 Not recorded728 (22)1635 (14)552 (14)533 (15)550 (13)
Mean DAS28 (SD)5.3 (1.1)6.6 (1.0)6.6 (0.9)6.6 (1.0)6.5 (1.0)
Mean HAQ (SD)1.5 (0.7)2.0 (0.6)2.1 (0.6)2.1 (0.5)1.9 (0.6)
Median disease duration: years (IQR)6 (1, 15)11 (6, 19)12 (6, 19)12 (6, 19)10 (5, 18)
Baseline steroid use: (%)726 (22)5190 (44)1949 (48)1596 (46)1645 (39)
Number of prior sDMARDs: median (IQR)2 (1, 3)4 (3, 5)4 (3, 5)4 (3, 5)3 (3, 4)
Co-morbidity* (%)
 None1358 (42)5466 (46)1840 (45)1626 (47)2000 (47)
 1 co-morbidity1123 (35)4043 (34)1388 (34)1212 (35)1443 (34)
 2 co-morbidities535 (16)1662 (14)616 (15)470 (14)576 (14)
 ≥3 co-morbidities233 (7)596 (5)229 (6)149 (4)218 (5)
Year of registration (%)
 Pre-20037 (0)1410 (12)203 (5)1177 (34)30 (1)
 2003279 (9)2070 (26)1498 (37)1102 (32)470 (11)
 2004752 (23)3227 (27)1951 (48)495 (14)781 (18)
 2005797 (25)1613 (14)418 (10)346 (10)849 (20)
 2006668 (21)1125 (10)2 (0)272 (8)851 (20)
 2007331 (10)843 (7)1 (0)65 (2)777 (18)
 2008–2009415 (13)479 (4)0 (0)0 (0)479 (11)
  • *Hypertension, ischaemic heart disease (myocardial infarction or angina), stroke, asthma, bronchitis or emphysema, diabetes mellitus, depression, renal disease and liver disease.

  • ADA, adalimumab; DAS28, disease activity score; ETA, etanercept; HAQ, Health Assessment Questionnaire; INF, infliximab; sDMARD, synthetic disease modifying antirheumatic drug; TNFi, tumour necrosis factor inhibitor.