Table 3

Summary of subgroup and sensitivity analyses of difference in hs-CRP between OA and non-OA

OutcomesNumber of studies (no. participants)Mean difference (mg/L)95% CIp Value
Joints of OA
 Knee8 (2922)1.150.18 to 2.120.02*
 Hip3 (196)3.370.60 to 6.130.02*
 Hand1 (81)0.58−0.00 to 1.160.05
 Not specified5 (2343)1.510.49 to 2.53<0.01*
Diagnosis of OA
 Clinical OA10 (2316)1.070.47 to 1.66<0.01*
 Radiographic OA5 (3167)1.76−0.04 to 3.570.05*
Measuring techniques
 ELISA6 (1251)1.740.80 to 2.67<0.001*
 Nephelometry8 (2677)0.60−0.01 to 1.210.06
Study size
 N≥1008 (4968)†0.700.16 to 1.250.01*
 N<1008 (515)†2.431.02 to 3.83<0.01*
BMI controlled/adjusted
 Yes9 (4848)1.250.63 to 1.88<0.01*
 No6 (635)1.21−0.38 to 2.790.13
Study design
 Cross-section8 (820)1.820.48 to 3.15<0.01*
 Case-control7 (4663)0.910.32 to 1.73<0.01*
  • *Indicates statistical significance.

  • †Comparative analyses from one study (Chen 200836) are grouped separately according to their sample size.

  • BMI, body mass index; hs-CRP: high sensitivity c reactive protein; OA: osteoarthritis.