Table 2

RAPID-PsA: burden of PsA on productivity in the workplace and within the home at study baseline (RS population, observed cases)

PlaceboCZP 200 mg Q2WCZP 400 mg Q4WAll patients
Productivity at the workplace over previous month (employed patients only)n=77n=83n=83n=243
Work days missed due to arthritis2.
Days with work productivity reduced by ≥50% due to arthritis*
Rate of arthritis interference with work productivity†
Productivity at home and daily activities over previous monthn=136n=138n=135n=409
Days with no household work due to arthritis5.
Days with household work productivity reduced by ≥50% due to arthritis*
Days missed of family, social or leisure activities due to arthritis3.
Days with outside help hired due to arthritis2.
Rate of arthritis interference with household work productivity†
  • *Does not include days counted in the previous question, ‘Work days missed due to arthritis’.

  • †0–10 scale, where 0=no interference, 10=complete interference.

  • CZP, certolizumab pegol; PsA, psoriatic arthritis; Q2W, every 2 weeks; Q4W, every 4 weeks; RS, randomised set.