Table 3

Results of scenario analyses

ScenarioSocietal perspective (2.5–97.5% percentile)Healthcare perspective (2.5–97.5% percentile)
1. EULAR good response
 Cost diff−€ 1 999 594 (−2 628 427 to −1 376 991)−€ 1 967 523 (−2 575 581 to −1 378 044)
 QALY diff8.53 (−4.71 to 22.05)8.53 (−4.71 to 22.05)
 ICER−€ 233 200/QALY−€ 225 450/QALY
 % (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4)89, 11, 0, 089, 11, 0, 0
2. Abatacept
 Cost diff−€ 2 475 546 (−3 123 416 to −1 792 839)−€ 2 585 592 (−3 090 176 to −1 813 623)
 QALY diff3.75 (−8.24 to 16.03)3.75 (−8.24 to16.03)
 ICER−€ 659 845/QALY−€ 689 500/QALY
 % (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4)73, 27, 0, 073, 27, 0, 0
3. Utility loss and extra costs for non-TNF-inhibiting biological
 Cost diff−€ 2 500 298 (−3 168 398 to −1 816 060)−€ 2 532 520 (−3 139 230 to −1 846 444)
 QALY diff−4.70 (−16.96 to 7.45)−4.70 (−16.96 to 7.45)
 ICER−€ 531 570/QALY−€ 538 421/QALY
 % (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4)23, 77, 0, 023, 77, 0, 0
4. Abatacept+utility loss and extra costs for non-TNF-inhibiting biological
 Cost diff−€ 2 496 757 (−3 184 331 to −1 828 609)−€ 2 671 528 (−3 126 653 to −1 838 130)
 QALY diff−4.81 (−16.98 to 7.73)−4.81 (−16.98 to 7.73)
 ICER−€ 519 571/QALY−€ 530 914/QALY
 % (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4)22, 78, 0, 022, 78, 0, 0
5. EULAR good response+abatacept+utility loss and extra costs for non-TNF-inhibiting biological
 Cost diff−€ 1 588 478 (−2 233 077 to 169 235)−€ 1 979 837 (−2 157 080 to−969 718)
 QALY diff−6.45 (−19.98 to 7.58)−6.45 (−19.98 to 7.58)
 ICER−€ 246 228/QALY−€ 244 030/QALY
 % (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4)18, 82, 0, 018, 82, 0, 0
6. stricter drug level cut-offs
 Cost diff−€ 2 198 829 (−2 845 213 to −1 546 767)−€ 2 051 150 (−2 794 594 to −1 558 940)
 QALY diff4.20 (−8.19 to 16.88)4.20 (−8.19 to16.88)
 ICER−€ 523 668/QALY−€ 488 497/QALY
 % (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4)74, 26, 0,074, 26, 0, 0
7. EULAR good response+stricter drug level cut-offs
 Cost diff−€ 2.090.551 (−2 720 828 to −1 463 210)−€ 2 108 341 (−2 644 244 to −1 464 647)
 QALY diff10.67 (−4.32 to 26.15)10.67 (−4.32 to 26.15)
 ICER−€ 196 006/QALY−€ 174 448/QALY
 % (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4)92, 8, 0,092, 8, 0, 0
8. Undiscounted
 Cost diff−€ 2 590 772 (−3 275 690 to −1 922 325)−€ 2 233 283 (−3 220 860 to −1 931 872)
 QALY diff3.69 (−8.33 to 15.78)3.69 (−8.33 to 15.78)
 ICER−€ 700 751/QALY−€ 746 602/QALY
 % (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4)72, 28, 0, 072, 28, 0, 0
  • Scenario 1: Use of EULAR good response instead of EULAR moderate response as response criteria for treatment algorithm. Scenario 2: The use of abatacept, a more expensive non-tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-inhibiting biological, instead of rituximab. Scenario 3: Loss in utility and extra costs (eg, regarding toxicity) for non-TNF-inhibiting biologicals. Scenario 4: scenario 2+3. Scenario 5: scenario 1+2+3. Scenario 6: Change cut-off for low drug levels from 5 mg/L to 2 mg/L and for high drug level from 5–12 mg/L to 2–12 mg/L. Scenario 7: scenario 1+6. Scenario 8: Undiscounted values for costs and effects.

  • Q1 is S-E quadrant, Q2 is S-W quadrant, Q3 is N-W quadrant, Q4 is N-E quadrant of cost-effectiveness plane.

  • EULAR, European league against rheumatism; ICER, incremental cost effectiveness ratio; QALY, quality adjusted life year.