Table 1

Baseline patient and disease characteristics of the 3920 analysed patients enrolled in the COMORA Study

Global resultsExtremes (countries)
Number3920From 30 (Uruguay) to 411 (France)
Female gender (%)81.7From 66 (Netherlands) to 91 (Venezuela)
Age (years), mean±SD56±13From 48 (Morocco/Egypt) to 63 (Japan)
Smoking status (% current smokers)13.2From 0.9 (Morocco) to 48 (Austria)
Educational level (% university or graduate school)24.5From 5.3 (Italy) to 75 (Netherlands)
Marital status (% married)69.7From 50 (Venezuela) to 86 (Netherlands)
BMI (% overweight or obese)50.7From 0 (Netherlands) to 69 (USA)
Work status (% currently employed)31.4From 16 (Morocco) to 46 (USA)
Disease duration (years), mean±SD9.6±8.7From 7 (Morocco) to 14 (France)
DAS28–ESR, mean±SD3.7±1.6From 2.6 (Netherlands) to 5.3 ( Egypt)
HAQ, mean±SD1.0±0.7From 0.7 (Taiwan) to 1.5 (Morocco)
Prednisone (% currently taking)54.3From 9 (UK) to 82 (Morocco)
NSAID use (% having taken dose during previous 3 months)55.2From 25 (Morocco) to 94 (Taiwan)
MTX (% ever treated)88.6From 79 (Italy) to 98 (UK)
Any biological therapy (% ever treated)38.9From 3 (Uruguay) to 77 (UK)
  • BMI, body mass index; DAS28–ESR, Disease Activity Score using 28 joints–erythrocyte sedimentation rate; HAQ, Health Assessment Questionnaire; MTX, methotrexate; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.