Table 1

Demographic characteristics and smoking history of patients with and without rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

Non-cases* (N=48 919)Cases (N=424)
CharacteristicsN (%)N (%)p Value
Age (at interview), yearsMedianMedian<0.0001
 35–446459 (13)41 years27 (6)42 years
 45–5416 987 (35)50117 (28)51
 55–6417 108 (35)59178 (42)59
 ≥658361 (17)68102 (24)68
 Non-Hispanic white41 140 (84)342 (81)
 Black4278 (9)41 (10)
 Hispanic2214 (5)31 (7)
 Other1272 (3)10 (2)
Current education<0.0001
 High school or less7339 (15)86 (20)
 Some college/technical degree16 431 (34)168 (40)
 College BA degree13 331 (27)86 (20)
 Graduate or professional degree11 806 (24)84 (20)
Pack-years smoking<0.0001
 Never smoked26 451 (56)184 (45)
 Smoked (quintiles pack-years)
 ≤24635 (10)39 (10)
 2–74338 (9)35 (9)
 7–143837 (8)41 (10)
 14–264160 (9)46 (11)
 >264111 (9)50 (14)
  • * Excluding other possible and unlikely cases with self-reported rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Test of general association, excluding missing responses; percentage with missing data was very low for most covariates, except smoking pack-years (2.8% non-cases and 4.5% cases).