Table 3

Treatments in the European League Against Rheumatism Scleroderma Trials and Research cohort

TotalMD (%)lcSScdcSScp Value(lcSSc vs dcSSc)Other
Patients, n (%)1820 (100)1095 (60.2)669 (36.8)56 (3.1)
Prednisone (mg/day)45.387.737.07.559.310***39.05
Cyclophosphamide (mg per last 4 weeks)15.910005.19.6100026.61000***8.31000
Methotrexate (mg per week)13.7128.612.81015.115NS15.915
Bosentan (mg/day)9.525010.87.125012.6250***22.0125
Azathioprine (mg/day)6.41009.76.41006.2100NS12.250
Sildenafil (mg/day)4.56010.93.7605.860NS4.957.5
Mycophenolate mofetil (500 mg tablets/day)***6.83
d-Penicillamine (mg/day)2.13009.82.03002.5300NS0NA
Rituximab (cumulative dosage since last visit in mg)1200010.80.320002.22000***0NA
Proton pump inhibitor, %65.22.565.165.2NS66.7
Calcium channel blocker, %*26.5
ACE inhibitor20.83.519.723.5NS11.5
Iloprost intravenously, %15.63.714.415.5NS40.8
Diuretics, %13.03.614.111.2NS12.5
Angiotensin-receptor blocker, %
β Blocker, %
Oxygen, %
Other pulmonary vasodilator, %
α Blocker, %
Digitalis, %
Sitaxentan, %
Inhalation of iloprost, %
Imatinib, %0.550.20.9NS0
  • Median refers to patients receiving medication.

  • * p<0.05; ***p<0.001; treatment documentation belongs to the newly introduced items (available since online documentation has started, find additional patient characteristics in online supplementary table S2).

  • Interpretation of registered data is controversial (blank fields might be interpreted as treatment not given at all or as missing data entry, further discrimination is not feasible).

  • ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; dcSSc, diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis; lcSSc, limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis; MD, missing data; NA, not applicable; NS, not significant; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.