Table 1

Characteristics of the study population

nbDMARD N=48Anti-TNF N=190
Person-years of follow-up (per year)159893
Median follow-up per subject; years (IQR)3.9 (1.9, 4.9)5.2 (3.3, 6.6)
Mean age (SD)51.9 (8.6)49.8 (9.8)
Ever smoked; number (%)38 (79)139 (73)
Median disease duration; years (IQR)4.5 (1.0, 14.5)10.0 (5.0, 16.5)
Mean DAS28 score (SD)5.2 (1.3)6.6 (0.9)
Median number prior nbDMARD (IQR)2.0 (1.0, 3.5)4.0 (3.0, 5.0)
CIS cervix recorded on consultant baseline form; N (%)7 (15)21 (11)
Median time from prior CIS cervix to registration; years (IQR)14 (9, 19)13 (8, 17)
Incident female genital cancer: N20
Incident female genital cancer: rate per 1000/year (95% CI)13 (2, 45)0 (0, 4.1)*
  • *One-sided 97.5% CI.

  • CIS, carcinoma in situ; DAS, disease activity score; nbDMARD, non-biologic disease modifying antirheumatic therapy; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.