Table 3

Pubertal characteristics of the 147/276 (53.3%) evaluable females with juvenile SLE

Patients included for pubertal evaluation*(N=147)
Patients who had menarche registered, n104/147 (70.7%)
Age at menarche, median (1st, 3rd quartile)13.6 (12.6, 14.5)
Tanner ≥B2 at last visit141/147 (95.9%)
Age at B2, median (1st, 3rd quartile)11.9 (11.1, 12.7)
Delayed pubertal onset11/72 (15.3%)
Delayed pubertal tempo37/96 (38.5%)
Delayed or absent menarche25/114 (21.9%)
 Delayed menarche§15/114 (13.1%)
 Absent menarche10/114 (8.8%)
Normal menarche89/114 (78.1%)
Delayed puberty**53/147 (36.1%)
Irregular menses or postmenarche amenorrhoea48/104 (46.2%)
  • Numbers are medians (1st, 3rd quartiles) or frequencies (%).

  • * A total of 147 female patients were included in pubertal evaluation, and 129 were excluded as 114 patients had already completed puberty before disease onset and 15 patients had no menarche but were <13 years of age at last follow-up (too young to be informative).

  • Age at B2 ≥13 years.

  • Delayed pubertal tempo (stable Tanner stage for ≥1 year in late-maturing girl or ≥2 years in normal-maturing girl).

  • § Age at menarche ≥15 years.

  • No menarche and age at last follow-up ≥15 years.

  • ** Delayed puberty was defined as either delayed pubertal onset, delayed pubertal tempo (stable Tanner stage for ≥1 year in late-maturing girl or ≥2 years in normal-maturing girl), or delayed or absent menarche.