Table 2

Descriptive statistics for DAPSA on weeks 12 and 24

Treatment groupnBaseline mean (SD)Time-point mean (SD)Change* in mean (SD)Change* in p valueBetween-treatment p value
Week 12
 ETN 50 mg twice weekly/50 mg once weekly32342.41 (29.10)17.16 (22.01)−25.3 (22.18)<0.00010.7378
 ETN 50 mg once weekly/50 mg once weekly31942.62 (29.03)17.81 (20.73)−24.8 (25.23)<0.0001
Week 24
 ETN 50 mg twice weekly/50 mg once weekly32942.34 (28.90)14.55 (21.01)−27.8 (25.27)<0.00010.3414
 ETN 50 mg once weekly/50 mg once weekly32442.80 (29.28)13.47 (18.03)−29.3 (26.32)<0.0001
  • * Change from baseline.

  • Between-treatment analysis of covariance model for change in terms of baseline, site and treatment.

  • DAPSA, Disease Activity index for PSoriatic Arthritis; ETN, etanercept.