Table 4

Comparison between the four alternative descriptions and the original description, at the three cut-off points

DescriptionsWeighted κ (ref. O)*95% CI% Cases alternative% Cases originalκ Value (ref. O)Sens/spec (ref. O) (%)% Cases alternative% Cases originalκ Value (ref. O)Sens/spec (ref. O) (%)% Cases alternative% Cases originalκ Value (ref. O)Sens/spec (ref. O) (%)
Alternative 1 (n=840)0.500.43 to 0.5725.517.30.4065/8310.55.50.66100/953.11.70.69100/99
Alternative 2 (n=1102)0.500.43 to 0.5523.118.80.3958/857.25.40.7286/973.01.30.59100/98
Alternative 3 (n=1180)0.520.46 to 0.5824.319.50.3656/835.65.50.99100/1002.21.30.73100/99
Alternative 4 (n=1189)0.470.42 to 0.5349.117.10.35100/614.94.91100/1001.20.80.83100/100
  • * Ref. O, reference original description.

  • Sens/spec, Sensitivity and specificity.

  • The same number of knees is used for the alternative and the original score per row.

  • K&L, Kellgren and Lawrence.