Table 2

Baseline at start of the initial MTX monotherapy

p Value
DAS28 (mean (SD))5.41 (1.21)5.30 (1.39)0.64
SDAI (mean (SD))31.0 (14.5)30.3 (15.8)0.78
MHAQ score (0–3) (median (IQR))0.8125 (0.50–1.25)0.875 (0.375–1.281)0.77
28-SJC (median (IQR))6 (4–12)8 (4–12.75)0.56
28-TJC (median (IQR))8.5 (4.75–15.25)7.5 (3–13.75)0.31
ESR (mm/h) (median (IQR))27 (13–45.25)27.5 (16–46.25)0.70
CRP (mg/l) (median (IQR))17 (8–45)17.5 (6–38)0.61
PhGA VAS (mean (SD))46.0 (22.2)46.7 (19.5)0.83
PGA VAS (mean (SD))55.5 (24.9)53.7 (25.8)0.66
Pain VAS (mean (SD))53.9 (24.2)52.5 (23.5)0.72
Fatigue VAS (mean (SD))49.5 (31.2)48.2 (27.9)0.79
SF-6D (mean (SD))0.57 (0.12)0.55 (0.13)0.27
SF-36 PCS (mean (SD))28.4 (10.0)29.6 (9.5)0.44
SF-36 MCS (mean (SD))45.9 (11.9)43.1 (12.0)0.13
  • Independent samples t test or Mann–Whitney U test were applied as appropriate.

  • 28-SJC and 28-TJC, 28-joint swollen and tender joint counts, respectively; CRP, C-reactive protein; DAS28, Disease Activity Score 28; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; MCS, mental components summary; MHAQ, Modified Health Assessment Questionnaire; MTX, methotrexate; PCS, physical components summary; PGA, Patient's global assessment; PhGA, Physician's global assessment; SDAI, Simplified Disease Activity Index; sDMARD, synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; SF-36, Short-Form Health Survey; TNFi, tumour necrosis factor inhibitor; VAS, Visual Analogue Scale (0–100 mm).