Table 1

Baseline PRO scores

PRO (mean (SD))PBO+MTX (n=127)CZP 200 mg+MTX (n=246)CZP 400 mg+MTX (n=246)
Pain VAS (range 0–100 mm)59.7 (22.2)62.0 (19.3)60.5 (20.1)
PtGA VAS (range 0–100 mm)59.7 (21.9)62.5 (20.3)61.0 (19.6)
HAQ-DI (range 0–3)1.6 (0.6)1.6 (0.6)1.6 (0.6)
Fatigue FAS NRS (range 0–10)6.5 (1.8)6.7 (1.9)6.4 (1.8)
SF-36 (range 0–100)
 PCS31.1 (6.7)30.6 (5.9)31.1 (6.3)
 MCS40.1 (11.4)38.6 (10.9)39.6 (10.9)
  Physical functioning34.5 (21.4)30.5 (20.0)32.9 (20.0)
  Role physical16.8 (27.8)12.3 (24.4)14.2 (25.7)
  Bodily pain30.8 (16.9)29.2 (14.3)30.8 (14.7)
  General health34.4 (15.8)34.7 (15.5)34.3 (14.7)
  Vitality36.9 (18.7)36.0 (17.7)38.1 (17.2)
  Social functioning48.8 (25.0)46.2 (23.0)49.3 (24.4)
  Role emotional38.0 (41.6)27.1 (39.3)31.4 (38.7)
  Mental health53.5 (19.3)52.1 (18.1)52.9 (18.2)
  • CZP, certolizumab pegol; FAS, Fatigue Assessment Scale; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index; ITT, intent to treat; MCS, mental component summary; MTX, methotrexate; NRS, numeric rating scale; PBO, placebo; PCS, physical component summary; PRO, patient-reported outcomes; PtGA, patient's global assessment of disease activity; SF-36, short-form 36-item health survey; VAS, Visual Analogue Scale.