Table 5

Final RAID and calculation rules

 Circle the number that best describes the pain you felt due to your rheumatoid arthritis (RA) during the last week.
Functional disability assessment
#Circle the number that best describes the difficulty you had in doing daily physical activities due to your RA during the last week.
No difficulty012345678910Extreme difficulty
 Circle the number that best describes how much fatigue you felt due to your RA during the last week.
No fatigue012345678910Totally exhausted
 Circle the number that best describes the sleep difficulties (ie, resting at night) you felt due to your RA during the last week.
No difficulty012345678910Extreme difficulty
Physical wellbeing
 Considering your arthritis overall, how would you rate your level of physical well-being during the past week? Circle the number that best describes your level of physical wellbeing.
Very good012345678910Very bad
Emotional wellbeing
 Considering your arthritis overall, how would you rate your level of emotional well-being during the past week? Circle the number that best describes your level of emotional wellbeing.
Very good012345678910Very bad
 Considering your arthritis overall, how well did you cope (manage, deal, make do) with your disease during the last week?
Very well012345678910Very poorly
  • RAID, rheumatoid arthritis impact of disease.